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Gynaecomastia Surgery

Discover transformative solutions tailored to address enlarged male breast tissue through gynaecomastia surgery.

Types of Gynaecomastia:

1. Liposuction: Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to remove excess fat deposits from the male breast area. It is particularly effective for individuals with gynecomastia caused by excess fatty tissue. During the procedure, small incisions are made, and a thin tube (cannula) is inserted to suction out fat cells, resulting in a smoother and more contoured chest appearance.

2. Excision: Excision involves the surgical removal of glandular tissue and excess skin from the male breast area. This technique is suitable for individuals with gynaecomastia characterized by glandular enlargement or excess skin laxity. The surgeon makes discreet incisions around the areola or in the natural chest creases to access and remove the underlying glandular tissue and skin. Excision provides more comprehensive correction for moderate to severe cases of gynecomastia.

3. Combination Technique: In some cases, a combination of liposuction and excision techniques may be utilized to achieve optimal results. This approach allows for the simultaneous removal of excess fat and glandular tissue while addressing any skin laxity concerns. By combining techniques, surgeons can tailor the surgical approach to each patient’s unique anatomical characteristics and aesthetic goals.

4. Nipple Reduction or Repositioning: In addition to addressing glandular tissue and excess fat, gynecomastia surgery may involve nipple reduction or repositioning to enhance chest aesthetics. Nipple reduction reduces the size of enlarged nipples, creating a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Nipple repositioning may be performed to correct nipple asymmetry or to achieve optimal chest contouring results.

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Causes of Gynaecomastia:


1. Hormonal Imbalance: Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly an increase in estrogen relative to testosterone, can lead to the development of gynaecomastia. This imbalance may occur during puberty, as well as in older age or due to certain medical conditions.

2. Medications: Some medications, such as anabolic steroids, anti-androgens, certain antidepressants, and medications used to treat prostate conditions or cancer, can cause gynaecomastia as a side effect by disrupting hormone balance.

3. Health Conditions: Certain health conditions, including hypogonadism, liver disease, kidney failure, thyroid disorders, and tumors of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands, may contribute to gynaecomastia by affecting hormone levels or metabolism.

4. Puberty: Gynaecomastia is common during puberty due to hormonal changes that occur as part of normal development. In many cases, breast enlargement resolves on its own without the need for treatment.

5. Obesity: Excess body fat can lead to increased conversion of androgens (male hormones) to estrogen (female hormones) in fatty tissue, contributing to gynaecomastia.

6. Genetic Factors: Genetic predisposition may play a role in the development of gynaecomastia, as certain individuals may be more susceptible to hormonal imbalances or metabolic conditions that can lead to breast tissue enlargement.

7. Substance Abuse: The use of substances such as alcohol, marijuana, heroin, or amphetamines can disrupt hormone balance and contribute to gynaecomastia.

Understanding the underlying causes of gynaecomastia is essential for appropriate management and treatment planning. Individuals experiencing breast enlargement should consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and explore treatment options.

Symptoms of Gynaecomastia:

Certainly, here are the symptoms of gallstones.

Symptoms of Gynaecomastia:

1. Breast Enlargement: Gynaecomastia is characterized by the development of excess breast tissue in males, resulting in one or both breasts appearing larger or fuller than normal.

2. Breast Sensitivity or Tenderness: Many individuals with gynaecomastia experience sensitivity or tenderness in the affected breast tissue. This sensitivity may vary in intensity and can be exacerbated by touch or pressure.

3. Breast Asymmetry: Gynaecomastia may lead to asymmetrical enlargement of the breasts, with one side appearing larger or more prominent than the other.

4. Nipple Changes: Changes in the appearance of the nipples are common in gynaecomastia. This may include nipple protrusion, enlargement, or inversion (retraction).

5. Palpable Breast Tissue: In some cases, individuals with gynaecomastia may feel firm or rubbery breast tissue beneath the skin, particularly around the nipple area.

6. Psychological Distress: Gynaecomastia can have a significant psychological impact, leading to feelings of embarrassment, self-consciousness, or low self-esteem. Individuals may experience anxiety or depression related to their appearance and body image.

7. Social Avoidance: Some individuals with gynaecomastia may avoid certain social situations or activities that require removing clothing, such as swimming or changing in public locker rooms, due to concerns about their breast appearance.

8. Physical Discomfort: Gynaecomastia can cause physical discomfort or pain, particularly if the breast tissue is large or tender. Activities that involve chest movement or pressure on the breasts, such as exercise or wearing tight clothing, may exacerbate discomfort.

Recognizing these symptoms is important for early detection and appropriate management of gynaecomastia. Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of gynaecomastia should seek evaluation by a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Diagnosis of Gynaecomastia:


1. Medical History and Physical Examination: A healthcare provider will typically begin by taking a detailed medical history and performing a physical examination. This may involve assessing the size, shape, and consistency of the breast tissue, as well as evaluating for any underlying health conditions or medications that may contribute to gynaecomastia.

2. Hormone Testing: Blood tests may be conducted to measure hormone levels, including testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones involved in regulating the endocrine system. Abnormal hormone levels may indicate hormonal imbalances contributing to gynaecomastia.

3. Imaging Studies: In some cases, imaging studies such as mammography or ultrasound may be recommended to further evaluate the breast tissue and rule out other conditions, such as breast cancer or benign breast tumors.

4. Biopsy: If there are concerns about the possibility of breast cancer or other serious underlying conditions, a tissue biopsy may be performed to obtain a sample of breast tissue for microscopic examination. This procedure involves removing a small sample of tissue from the breast and analyzing it under a microscope to look for abnormal cells or changes.

5. Evaluation of Medications and Health Conditions: A comprehensive evaluation of current medications, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors may be conducted to identify any potential contributors to gynaecomastia. Adjustments to medications or treatment of underlying health conditions may be recommended as part of the management plan.

Diagnosing gynaecomastia involves a thorough evaluation of medical history, physical examination findings, hormone levels, imaging studies, and sometimes tissue biopsy to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment approach. A multidisciplinary approach involving primary care providers, endocrinologists, and surgeons may be necessary for comprehensive management of gynaecomastia.

Treatment of Gynaecomastia: 

1. Observation and Lifestyle Modifications: In some cases, particularly in adolescents or individuals with mild gynaecomastia, no specific treatment may be necessary. Close observation and lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss and avoiding known triggers such as certain medications or substances, may be recommended.

2. Medication: Certain medications may be prescribed to address hormonal imbalances contributing to gynaecomastia. These may include selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as anastrozole, which help block the effects of estrogen or reduce estrogen production, respectively. Medication therapy is typically reserved for cases of persistent or symptomatic gynaecomastia and is often used in combination with other treatment modalities.

3. Surgical Intervention:

a. Liposuction: Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to remove excess fat from the breast area. It is particularly effective for treating gynaecomastia caused by excess fatty tissue. During the procedure, small incisions are made, and a thin tube (cannula) is inserted to suction out fat cells, resulting in a more contoured chest appearance.

b. Excision: Excision involves the surgical removal of glandular tissue and excess skin from the breast area. This technique is suitable for individuals with gynaecomastia characterized by glandular enlargement or excess skin laxity. The surgeon makes discreet incisions around the areola or in the natural chest creases to access and remove the underlying tissue, resulting in a flatter and more masculine chest contour.

4. Combination Approach: In some cases, a combination of liposuction and excision techniques may be utilized to achieve optimal results. This approach allows for the simultaneous removal of excess fat and glandular tissue while addressing any skin laxity concerns.

5. Postoperative Care: Following surgical intervention, patients will receive specific postoperative care instructions, including wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments. Adherence to postoperative guidelines is essential for promoting proper healing and optimal outcomes.

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+91-96177 41852

Open Hours

Mon & Fri: 09AM – 11 PM
Mon To Sat: 06PM – 08PM

Miracles Apollo Cradle Hospital

Vatika India Next, Plot No. 45, Sector 82, Gurugram, Haryana 122004

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